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Polarity :: Inauro User Inauro
I know purples aren't everyone's cup of tea, but i like 'em.

Background The Northstar is an Airplace by AquaSixio. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Polarity by Inauro
Wallpaper The Northstar is an Airplane 

thewayofzen dude. this is nice. but theres one thing i gotta say. There is NOONE i know on CM who has more luck finding nice wall papers. you have NO idea how many times one of your wall links has led me to something that inspired me. thanks. Keep it up!
freeb0rn Beautiful.
snkmchnb agreed. wallpaper selection, gradients, everything in general, top notch.
Inauro Thanks for the kind comments, guys. About the wallpapers: there are some great artists out there if you have enough patience to find them. On a personal level, i always prefer art over shiny, if you get what i mean.
Rev Hmm. I find I prefer naked women. Go figure, right? ~lol~

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