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Tanyamo :: Fatman User Fatman
My second style... took ages to think of a name. 
Shell blackbox
Style Style2 by Fatman []
Wallpaper ConsumerWay_1280x1024 

Fatman Damn.... forgot to change the name inside the style from "Style2". That'll teach me to use temp file names :)
thewayofzen You know.. these are nothing like any color i would really ever use i dont think. I honestly dont like em seperately.. but together with this wall it really works. I guess thast the sign of a great job. Taking stuff that stinks and making it really cool! Nice work dude!..
snkmchnb i love it :)
kobayashy Really cool :) what is the plug-in on the right side?
Pitkon Happy colors that go very well with the wall. Good job, fatman!
Colt_Reaper Alright dude! The colors are excellent with that background.
freeb0rn really like it, nice to see you back :)
Inauro Nice work, Fatman. I always like styles with unusual colour schemes.
Fatman Thanks guys. :) Plugin on the right = BBWrapper. Don't worry, it's in "no border mode", so it's not meant to have a border.
stanna you smell fatman! interesting style all the same. some kind of zany acid flashback!

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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