

Styles Packs


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tejo dhatu :: thewayofzen User thewayofzen
This is my latest style. The wallpaper was created by blockhead of #bb4win .. its a greyscale that i recolored using bsetroot. Dude has much talent!!
As far as the style goes i built it from scratch.
The 3dcc file is included in the style itself.
Plugins currently visible on the desktop are
theo's bbcalendar
qwilks bbworldtime
nc-17's bbpager
Hiding in the slit are
freeb0rn's bbfoomp
mortar's bbsysmon
Anyways. Enjoy!

Shell xoblite
Style tejo dhatu by thewayofzen with blockhead colors
Wallpaper ralwaldo_spheres_01 by blockhead 

doctorfrog excellent style. ever the chooser of harmonious colors you are, zen.
NC-17 i feel at peace when i look upon this one.
Inauro Beautiful work, zen. Great colours, nice gradients. An all 'round classic.
thewayofzen apparently i forgot to delete the "blockhead colors" part from my style file when wrote it.. my bad for the record i picked these ones myself.. i did however use his greyscale wall..
Mystoz awesome..
beloved built to spill!!!!
sMs from where i can get bbwolrdtime?
thewayofzen sms: as far as i know.. i have no idea. qwilk gave it to me.
sMs too bad =x btw ncie style
blockhead Nice bsetroot recolor of my grayscale. When I first made that picture, I said "zen has got to use this ina style". :D Link to original wall at deviantart: link
Colt_Reaper Cool colors.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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