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RetroRed :: ArthurDent User ArthurDent
Unfortunately I lost the link to the wall, it's from deviantart. I'll host it if requested. 
Shell blackbox
Style RetroRed by ArthurDent
Wallpaper Retro from deviantart 

qwilk Spiffy! :D I found the blending of gold and dark red original and refreshing, which doesn't happen very often these days... (and before anyone makes a surly comment, no, I am not just saying that because of the elyts tribute) ...the wallpaper can be found at link btw!
qwilk ...toolbar.clock.tex
tColor seems to be faulty though, I guess it should be set to #b7916c like the toolbar.label?
ArthurDent yeah that sounds right. I probably have it set to parentrelative in bbsbex, so I don't notice. I wouldn't be suprised to find that there are other areas that are borked because of that too. :(

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