User |
Arc Angel |
Notes |
Although I did not real the Asimov novel, I had to say I enjoyed the movie. The whole Will Smith thing had me worried (I imagined a scene where Will tells Sonny he needs some 'Robot Booty'). Thinking the movie website would have some cool walls to theme, I was dismayed to find only one worthy candidate. A 3DC has, of course, been included at the end of the style. Wallpaper available at link |
Shell |
Style |
I Robot by Arc Angel |
Wallpaper |
1280x1024_sonny.jpg |
Nice style! Yeah I was bummed about the available walls too. Read the book if you have time. |
must say arc, when you make a style you really put your full into it, i must say everything abou tthat style matches, i must say i admire your skill, keep it up. |
also curious how did you get your menu to say arc angel and not bblean? |
I Robot is not really a novel, more a collection of short stories dealing with Asimov's three laws of robotics, namely:
1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm
2) A robot must obey orders givein to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
I'm not surprised the movie doesn't really do the concepts justice though.
As for your question about the menu titile, kryzone, all you need do is add a label to the [begin] argument in your menu.rc. In this case, Arc has added [begin] (\\Arc.Angel). |
Oops, forgot to say how much i liked the style...and to add paragraph spacing, dang it! |
Thanx for the comments guys. I'll may go down and pick up the book for kicks... |