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simple :: MyxO User MyxO
black minimalist style 
Shell blackbox
Style re-edit of charcoal 
Wallpaper minimalistic one thnx to deviantart community 

Rev Very nice. Minimal, indeed.
laba what´s that in the right upper corner?
MyxO It's Miranda IM, in a minimalistic preset (no toolbar/statusbar) and just replaced the fonts / icons / background After testing lots of IM, Miranda is the one that suits better with blackbox. (tested gAIM - aMSN - Trillian - Ayttm)
Rev With your MirIM, how'd you nix the border? Is that just the style itself making it go away, or something (A plugin?) for MirIM? (And.. I take it your MirIm background is just set to black to -appear- transparent, yes?)
MyxO the bbWinskin style make the box be black
Rev With your MirIM, how'd you nix the border? Is that just the style itself making it go away, or something (A plugin?) for MirIM? (And.. I take it your MirIm background is just set to black to -appear- transparent, yes?)
Rev Erk. Damn refresh. Heh. Anyway.. all right, thanks.
Inauro Nice work.
MyxO ^_~ thnx , I'll try to make other in minimal/vectorian styles, this community rocks !

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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