User |
darkmatter |
Notes |
Just started putting together my first style, but am not happy with it yet. The wallpaper is "girl". I'm not 100% sure but I think its from an old litestep theme.(I'd prefer one of my Giger walls, but sadly will have to search the net again) |
Shell |
Style |
a work in progress |
Wallpaper |
girl |
It's a great style. The only thing that doesn't seem to fit, to me, are the button pic colors.. |
Yeh, I still haven't decided what to do with those. I've started making some changes already, but I still need to work out the little details. I just have to get the button pics set up in a manner that doesn't detract from the overall style(yes, I'm picky). Like I said, it's a work in progress. |
Nice blending in the gradients you've chosen. Looking forward to a final version. |
Thanks, Inauro. Looks like I'll be able to get several styles uploaded soon. I finally replaced the Giger images I had lost. Just need to resize and add a backgrod to some so they'll make good walls.(some have rather pecular dimensions-scans of fine art, go figure) Then I can start complementing them with styles(cant upload the walls though, copyright legalities) |
copyright schmopyright |
watcha talkin' 'bout? Vat is dis "schmopyright"? You vant de valls, you must beg first, comrade. :P OK, beggings going a little far. Say pretty please with sugar on top.