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Summer of Love :: clovemagic User clovemagic
Another day, another sidebar. This trippy style is inspired by Mel's Sprite visual style and Marvilla's Summery Flowers icons. Peace. ;) 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Summer of Love 
Wallpaper Sprite by Mel 

Nightbreed Now that was worth the wait. Very 70's-ish. Welcome to the sidebar club.. hehehe.. Uh.. you need to read those emails or something
Theo I agree with Nightbreed the style reminds me of That 70`s show :-).... and a nice sidebar config btw...
NC-17 gosh another 'bblean style'... i wonder if it only works on that? ;) anyway, where can we download it?! :P
sMs is that miranda client?
clovemagic Thanks guys. NC-17, I only have BBLean, so I haven't tried it on any other BB builds. I've also never released anything for public consumption. Since it's based on Mel's design, do I need her permission to release the style? sMs, yes, that is Miranda with the "flat contact list" plugin. NB and Theo, sidebar configuration is too much fun!
clovemagic Oh, and NC-17: :P and :P. My brain is in slow gear today.
Inauro Nice work, clovemagic.
doctorfrog That's beautiful. Almost makes me want to put a sidebar in myself... must... stay... true to minimalism...
anvil purty very purty

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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