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SimplicityPRO :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
I went with a more pro look with this one. Based the color and wallpaper from the Simplicity logo from the Litestep readme html. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style SimplicityPRO 
Wallpaper Custom 

raahtbs I like the flat, clean and minimilist look. Please post the style and link to the wallpaper.
pHarciDe yea, looks really good, damn night, what do you do all day ;D
Nightbreed Thanks folks. There is no link for the wallpaper. It's a custom one I did just for the theme. I'll upload the style later today if I dont forget. lol.. I wish I could remember.. j/k I'm run a small nightclub.
p Ohhhh! This is niiice!!!
Nightbreed Thanks P
pHarciDe really, thought you submited screens for a living, :D j/j
Nightbreed lol.. Almost wish I could..
looper :light goes off: Now I know why you have all those walls of sexy women...:P
Nightbreed lol :P
Inauro Nice and simple, i like it.
Nightbreed Thanks Inauro

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