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Black Panther :: AJ User AJ
Had to try something with this wall. Started out with Darkenss Discovered by Arc Angel and then changed just about everything to match up with this wall. I'm considering a black text on yellow theme as well, dunno. Font is Hooge 5_55 Cyr2. Saw in some styles and thought I'd try it out. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style blkpanther by AJ
Wallpaper Panther 

anvil Nice, but awful dark. you don't wear a trench coat and only go out at nite do you? Reminds me of those young punks i see when i go downtown :) It does flow nicley, and i think maybe if you made the menu highlights yellow or somethig
Nightbreed Very nice AJ. I agree with Anvil... A yellow highlite would give it an extra punch
NC-17 i actually disagree, but this shows peoples' opinions :) i think the yellow hilite on te menu text is perfect, but on the active window and toolbar text is too bright! :)
AJ Please leave your comments and questions about the styles themselves, not me personally. No I do not wear trenchcoats or only go out at night, but you don't know me well enough to ask. You are taking slight liberties when you have no association to make them. As far as the style is concerned, the darkness is intentional. I guess it is a counter to the army of bright styles that I have. But I do see where some wouldn't like it. That's why I'm also making an alternate. Think I'm letting this forum flow for awhile till the personal comments can be saved for those that actually know each other well enough to make them.
Reverend ~is the BBStyler that wears a black leather trenchcoat and only goes out at night .. and was drawn to BLACKbox because of the name.. snicker~
anvil THIS time AJ you should have noted the sarcasm....lighten no pun intended... and i am sorry if you don't like it....that is what it makes me think of. Ah well....maybe the :) at the end of the trenchcoat sentence might have helped :) Now reverend....he has a sense of humour
anvil I do like the style...a lot, the yellow highlight bar was just a is my opinion and nothing but.
krayzone I must say the sytle fits something I wouldnt mind having on my desktop at certain times of the day persay. But I must say AJ we sorda share the darkness thing, but you are lucky, I dont even get comments on my sytles, I guess I over do it.
Reverend ~grins at Anvil~ I do try..... but... I wasn't really joking. ~lol~ Well, maybe a little, but it's just as much true as it is humorous. ~chuckle~

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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