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Theo |
Notes |
Taday i will give a little description of my sidebar. I start from the top. At first i have a slideshow,with its controls. I compiled a second BroamTimer so i have a diferent set of Bro@ms for it. Then there is the BBCalendar, BBAnalogEx and BBPager. Under it is a picture, which has no purpose, just there to look good. I can change the picture using the buttons <<< and >>> under it. Or use the first <<< button to open a second window from where i can select it (look at my BeyondGE screenshot). Then there are buttons to start TotalCMD and the TaskMgr, and two button to operate BB8Ball. Then there is the BBSysmon, six buttons 0 to 5 which i have currently asigned to winamp m3u files. TileV and TileH tile the windows. HidePlugins, i think explains what it does :-). WS shows a winamp control window (somewhere on my other screnshots). Then i have the BBZCmdEx plugin. ShowDesk minimizes all or puts everithing back. CascadeW cascades windows (what a suprise). Then there i have the memorishrink timer controls. Right after that is BBMuse which is only visible when winamp runs (there is a broam to set it visible on the winamp start button and invinsible on winamp close button...) othervise there is a button (currently Frecell :-)). Ok next i have the volume slider and a mute button. The four icon buttons reveal another icons (again look at my other screenshots). SS is the style Switcher, SG is the Style Gallery (look older screenshots). Then a button to restart BBlean, and a shutdown dialog button. And last but not least the winamp controls... |
Shell |
Style |
MakenX by Theo |
Wallpaper |
http://www.gamepapers.com/ i think |
i want the image viewer theo! very badly ;p
pls email the config or instructions
thanks |
Its really simple. First create the images you want, then one label and two button. For every image create a text file including something like
@BBInterface Control SetAgent Label1 Image Bitmap "pic1.bmp"
@BBInterface Control SetAgent ButtonPrew MouseDown Bro@m "@BroamRelay pic0.txt"
@BBInterface Control SetAgent ButtonNext MouseDown Bro@m "@BroamRelay pic2.txt"
thene run one of this files and thats all.. |
i dont understand the broamrelay part ;p
can you email me a sample? |