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LightBlue :: Theo User Theo
Tried to make something like NightBreeds sidebar and this is the result 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style LightBlue by Theo

Nightbreed Very nice sidebar Theo. Great color theme too.
Inauro The style is great. I'm not a huge fan of sidebars (i switch to BB4Win for minimalism as well as utility after all) but that's a nice one, as is Nightbreed's.
Theo Thanks. Im a fan of minimalism myself so i use BB Badge interface scrip to turn all plugins off and only have the badge on the desktop. Works for me :-)
Nightbreed Theo: Have you tried the thing I put in the news section of this site?
NC-17 mmm very nice, reminds me of tristes by m3g i think, or angel by someone else. lovely colours.
Wilson is the sidebar a plugin for BB4win? I'm trying to use BBIcons to create similiar looks but when Icons are showed X-large they looks awful
Wilson sorry... I find the thread on loose-screws...

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