User |
siphon232 |
Notes |
Using bblean in combination with Y'z Dock, Wallpaper came from deviant art I think, it was originally a red chair original file name was (New_red_chear_.jpg) incase you are interested.
Style is Litany. nothing else is really special. |
Shell |
Style |
Litany |
Wallpaper |
green_chair |
Nice screenie... BTW, Litany is by me. Doesn't hurt to mention it. It was one of the 5 styles I authored exclusively for the release of BBLean 1.10 and haven't submitted anywhere else since... |
sorry I didnt mean to leave your name out, just didnt know where to look exactly,(guess I could have looked to see if there was a comment in the theme) as you can tell I am kind of a noob. Very nice work on this Style btw, its one of my favorites, I downloaded several and one of my other favorite theme authors is NC-17, he has a nice sense of color and uniformity. |
It's OK, siphon :) NC-17 is one of my favorites, too... |