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clovers :: kana User kana
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style clovers by kana

loranger bright, clean and soft, a good skin. Is bbsysmon monitoring your network status ??
snkmchnb bbsysmon doesn't have that support... yet :P it must be a diff app
sMs u know ppl how critic can i be, but this opne its really good, style rocks
kana Thanks guys. loranger: It's not bbsysmon. The two plugins are bbnetstate and bbsysstate. You can download from link.
cthu1hu Do these plugins require .Net?
kana cthu1hu: I'm not sure about that... but I know these plugins require MSVCR70.dll and run under Windows XP/2000 only.
kana I made 3DCC's color scheme which is suitable for this style. If you like, download from link(and save as "clovers.3dc").
sMs what font do u use in this theme?
b0m i couldn't find bbnetstate on the link you provided, kana. can you check?
kana sMs: It's "edges". b0m: Hmm? Couldn't you download from link?
b0m thanks, kana. i couldn't download it earlier.
jeff nice. is bbsysState slittable?
kana jeff: No, these plugins are not slittable, because these were made before bbslit.
jeff ok. it's cool anyways. thanks

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