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New Forums 2004-12-05 16:37:48
Most everyone has noticed that the forums have disappeared, and last I checked no one knows why. So to make up for the loss, I've thrown up some forums here:
Use them and enjoy!
Comments: 1   by: Tres`ni

BB4ce 2004-11-28 16:16:59
Kaloth [the author of many plugins for the BB4Win family] has started a new project: Blackbox for Windows CE. He's in need of beta testers, here's the chatbox and forum topic that you can follow up with:

Hi, I'm just working on a bb style interpreter for Windows Mobile 2003. I'm at a stage where I need beta testers to try it out If anyone can help (no programming experiance required) the contact me @
Comments: 1   by: Tres`ni

beta plugins 2004-11-28 08:30:37
Im happy to let everyone know that anyone who has emailed asking about multiamp 5 and bbworld time now has an opportunity to pick them up. qwilk has released the latest builds as a public beta available now along with Gradtest 3.0 and SlitClock 1.0 . get them here
Comments: 2 story link by: thewayofzen

...introducing xoblite bb2... :D 2004-11-12 20:18:26
Hello all,

after 14 1/2 months of development, xoblite bb2 is finally ready for the world! :D

Some of the new features in this release...

# Introducing xoblite *THEMES*! :D
-> change all aspects of the *box interface with a single click of a menu item!
# Automatic version checking and updating of the core + plugins ("AutoUpdate")
# Font drop shadow support for all core user interface elements
# Built-in command scripting support (@Script)
# Lots of cool new core bro@ms, including LoadPlugin/UnloadPlugin, CheckForUpdates and PausedRestart
# Three exclusive new menu bullets: Triple, Comment and Grid! :D
# Menu separators
# Right+Mid click actions for menu items (e.g. edit file, set as wallpaper, copy path to clipboard)
# Second generation slit puzzle positioning
# Send bro@ms from external applications using Blackbox.exe -broam <string>
# "Safe mode": Hold down the CTRL key to disable loading of plugins at startup... :)
# Updated *box API support for improved plugin compatibility
# Updated xoblite bb1 styles + new styles x-ashes and qtopia
# ...and much, much more! :D ->

Download: ...x marks the spot... :D ->
Feedback: Yes please, by email or a post on the forums! ->

Finally, to my awesome beta testing team: I really couldn't have done it without you - thank you all for your feedback, support and friendship during the past 14 1/2 months! :D

BR//Karl -> qwilk
Comments: 9 story link by: qwilk

Jolie Styles Online! 2004-10-07 14:27:51
You've read about me hinting about them, and I've posted one or two right here on - Well, no more hints, and no more foreshadowing. They are online, finally, and ready for you to grab. Go! Quickly! Before it's to late!
Comments: 2 story link by: Reverend

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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