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Menu.Grip Is A Reality 2011-12-26 00:26:46
XZero450 offered a nightly build with a menu.grip option for the first time ever in Blackbox’history. The grip includes the same styling options as for Menu.Title, including appearance, borders, height and text/font options. This is a Xmas gift indeed! Get it from
Comments: 1   by: Pitkon

Merry Xmas, Everyone! With Some Gifts, Perhaps 2011-12-24 03:20:42
Boxshots and lostinthebox wish you all Merry Xmas! And, perhaps, we will all get our gifts before New Years eve. Two developers, qwilk and XZero450, are working on Blackbox builds with menu grip and MAYBE they will be out within the next few days. Happy holidays indeed!
Comments: 2   by: Pitkon

BBRun Reloaded, Works On x64 Systems 2011-12-08 00:29:25
The -r- uploaded his latest bbrun release, which works on x64 systems as well.
bbRun / bbRunBar is a configurable "run" plugin, originally designed for bbLean, compatible with Xoblite and other branches of Blackbox For Windows 32 and 64 bits.
* Configurable, click-able, Text-only, no-buttons input box
* Open files with shell parameters, run shell commands, Broadcast Messages (Broams: call menus, interfaces, anything possible with blackbox)
* Creates and uses aliases allowing to turn complex operations into simple user-friendly commands
* Recursive aliases (alias of an alias of...) with placeholders ($) and prefix modes.
* Since bbRun can be invisible and its Alias system can be used from outside (, menus and interfaces can also use bbRun features.
* Environment variables for the whole Blackbox environment, increasing possibilities for other plugins (such as bbInterface) and portable applications (no install needed) to create a portable and powerful system (e.g.: instantly working from a flash drive in any PC)
* Everything set up and managed from its configuration file: bbrun.rc )
* Optionally shrink Blackbox memory each time a shell command is executed. Useful on older low memory NT/XP systems.
* Command history, aka Most Recent Used (MRU) list, configurable.
* 2 interfaces to choose: classic bbRun (a pop-up dialog) or bbRunBar (blackbox style bar or box)
bbRun user interface is minimal: like Windows "Run" dialog (Win+R hotkey), and the current directory is displayed. Like a console, but no output.
2 user interface versions are included:
* bbRun: standard run dialog, invisible, called by Broam (or hotkey).
* bbRunBar: blackbox-style bar, sizeable, configurable; it can be hidden, or used inside the Slit. Vertical layout can be used for a "more box than a bar" aesthetics.
Get it from
Comments: 0   by: Pitkon

BBClean-XZ Mk II, A Blackbox Landmark 2011-11-16 02:45:29
XZero450 is working on his next release, which will be revolutionary for two main reasons – among other things.
First, he will attempt to unify BBClean and BBLeanMod into one build, incorporating more of nocd5 and Alex3D enhancements and working on gradients so that will match those of BBClean, BBWinMod and Xoblite. As he says, “thus, plugins can be compiled against all 3 bases and render similarly”.
Second, the looks of Blackbox for Windows branches will go one step further, by BBClean-XZ Mk II incorporating a menu grip. Now, the older members among you may remember Lithium Desktop by the Mouse People, a Blackbox for Windows look-alike shell that was not free and that went down the drain soon after its release in the early 2000s. The only remarkable thing about this shell was that, besides using Blackbox style structure, it included a grip at the bottom of the menus, a bar exactly like Menu Title but at the bottom. This grip will be handled by the same Menu.Title style commands, but as Menu.Grip. Thus, menus will be much prettier, with menu.grip color, texture and height absolutely adjustable. Release date will be announced shortly…
Comments: 9   by: Pitkon

BBClean-XZ Updated 2011-11-03 23:26:18
XZero450 made a good build even better by tweaking some rendering problems on his BBClean-XZ build and adding outline text, as in BBLeanMod by nocd5. He also put together a full package for newbies, including everything they need to run BBClean-XZ right away (rc files, bsetroot/bsetbg, plugins, and his own styles). Again, get it from
Comments: 9   by: Pitkon

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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