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Co-Lab Me :: clovemagic User clovemagic
Well, why not? I took a stab at something kind of different.

Lovingly "hand-tweaked" to include "new syntax" bordered elements.
3DCC included.
Menu glyphs courtesy of BlackboxBoxed font by Nightbreed.
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Co-Lab by clovemagic
Wallpaper iDesigns by iondarie 

Nightbreed nice Clove. I see you went with the silver approach too..
clovemagic Thanks, Gary. I don't normally go for silver styles, but I was challenged by the idea of creating the sort of layered perspectives suggested by the wallpaper design. It was fun.
Nightbreed welcomed Clove.. I tried a style around your posted picture in the forum. But neither tiled nore stretched.. and especially centered worked out too well... hehe was no real place to put my eye dropper.. lmao
clovemagic ROFL, NB. My avatar is only 7kb, so it's not going to resize very much.
Nightbreed lol... Still would be funny to see a style with that lil picture as a centered wallpaper... hahahaha
Pitkon I think this wins the price, imho... It's simply beautiful. Great use of textures and new style syntax elements, clove. And, yes, u hit the layered perspectives right on their curved little head... :D Excellent work. I nominate thee for the 1st Prize...
snkmchnb me agrees with ^^
clovemagic Thank you, Pitkon, and thanks, snk. You're both too kind. But, er, I was wondering . . . is there a car involved? LOL
Pitkon Breed just unwrapped a new one made by Matchbox. Don't forget to scratch the underside! :D
Nightbreed I think I can spring for a VW :-P
Pitkon U r out of luck... The new VW Beetle is a luxurious car in Europe, costing over 20,000 euros...
Nightbreed lmao... cars and cash are the easiest things to obtain. However... we're talking out with the new and into the old with the VW I'm mentioning. And uh, how is it luxurious again? looks like an imac on wheels... hahahaha
Nightbreed lmao... cars and cash are the easiest things to obtain. However... we're talking out with the new and into the old with the VW I'm mentioning. And uh, how is it luxurious again? looks like an imac on wheels... hahahaha
Pitkon Lmao, Gary...
Pitkon Clove, I e-mailed the package. Pls let me know if u got it :)
clovemagic I got it, Pete. You're so great to be so prompt. Thanks! Check your own email for my reply with info for you.
clovemagic LOL at Matchbox cars and luxurious VWs. I think right now even a Matchbox beetle would be a luxury compared to my smashed up Mustang. Wahh! :(
Nightbreed You can use mine Clove... it'll take me a day or two ta get 20,000 euros... But I dunno, between you two and packages and taking moterized imacs all over the road, I'd say you have some kinda spy mission going on... lmao... Dont make me break out the ipod with twin turbos and a spoiler.. hahaha
Pitkon Lmao, Gary... I seem to say that too often... :D

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