freeb0rn 2003-03-30 07:56 congratulations!
iridium 2003-03-30 07:31 I need this.. joeblade' s gone..
ironhead 2003-03-29 16:03 Thanx for the new news site!
auto 2003-03-29 13:53 nice work ;]
Tres`ni 2003-03-29 13:06 I think that'll work.. Makes the date really small, but who cares anyway ;)
Tres`ni 2003-03-29 13:01 Something will look right eventually.. With the chat box that is.. Any suggestions?
Tres`ni 2003-03-29 11:23 Happy now? :-P
Tres`ni 2003-03-29 11:05 haven't decided that yet ;) For now the white.. That's just cause I don't want to mess with the CSS more then I have to at the moment..
twilight 2003-03-29 10:48 will you stick with the white background color ? or gray like the old version? which was better imho ;)
Tres`ni 2003-03-28 15:34 Still got a little work left to do on news and SS extended info.. I promise to work on it this weekend ;)