maaneeack 2003-07-19 08:45 darn users. it's too bad we need them huh?
Tres`ni 2003-07-17 21:41 I'll see waht I can do.. No promises though..
Grue 2003-07-17 16:16 Yeah, I have to agree on that last one. There are some that I really like. ^_^
matt 2003-07-17 13:02 would it be possible to make it easier to browse downloadable styles in the future? right now you have to sift through all the screenshots to find them. :p
Tres`ni 2003-07-17 07:16 fixed :-P Expect linkage shortly!
auto 2003-07-16 10:14 er should have used the simple link, damn you google! Tres`ni fix that please ;]
auto 2003-07-16 10:12 Tres`ni: you have mail ;] - site is up link
Tres`ni 2003-07-15 21:23 auto - make sure to send me your URL and I'll link ya here!
nap 2003-07-15 17:28 thats cool auto just let us know ur webpage =)
auto 2003-07-15 15:53 Just wanted to let you guys know as ive had a bunch of emails that im going to start releasing my styles this week, finally got a website together.