Jesterace 2003-10-30 18:08 You mean a file browser? like windows explorer? and what do you mean not see the icons. I use 2xplorer myself
sMs 2003-10-30 17:18 anyone knos a program like explorer ( and not internet explorer) so we can have an option to not see the icons?
sMs 2003-10-30 13:53 thats bad news =(
Tres`ni 2003-10-30 12:29 Not currently
sMs 2003-10-30 11:11 any bbslit update so we can put transparence on it?
SowWn 2003-10-30 08:03 Agreed.
NC-17 2003-10-30 07:41 having to port styles is rediculous.
Pitkon 2003-10-30 07:11 Yeah, I tried Lithium and it froze on me; various other unpleasant things happened, like mouse pointer disappearing, system slowing down etc... Thank goodness for ShellOn...
frantic 2003-10-30 06:48 and it's not free, at least it wasn't free a while ago. Besides, lithium's pretty unstable.
iridium 2003-10-30 04:24 lithium.. the skin capabilities are nice, styles easy to port and low resources. looks agood idea while waiting for bbwinskin ..