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2006-07-26 17:01
we need some more spam here

2006-07-26 16:15

2006-07-26 12:07
Well, unless your just an outright bigot, those of us in U.S really aren't caught up in the hatred fueling this conflict. So, personally, I have to ask myself. Do I support an ideology that is not too different from my own (Isreal) or one that is directly opposed to that ideology (radical Islam). To suppose that Hezbollah does not think ill of America is nieve at best, Iran being their best buddies and all. So, will radical Islam stop if we placate them by handing them Isreal? You have to be a damed fool to believe that. For the Islamic revolution to continue, there must ALWAYS be an enemy - who is that going to be when Isreal is gone? Pissing off the Arab world? I don't give a flying rats ass who it pisses off. Bush needs to go, because we need to slap these oil corps upside their heads to switch to ethanol production (we have so much grain/sugar cane/beets we pay our farmers not to produce them), not because he's giving anybody bombs.

2006-07-26 11:53
Hesbollah hates America. They just aren't getting paid to attack us, but Israel. The friend of my enemy is my enemy.

2006-07-26 10:13
All I know is that if Bush is supplying ANYONE with bombs, we should protest and remove him from office immediately. I am fed up with that man pissing off the Arab world. He just might turn Hezbollah into American haters (which they are not currently, America is not their focus).

2006-07-26 09:12
I wouldn't put it past these Hizbullah folks to use that stuff on their own people to try try to pin it on Israel.

2006-07-26 09:01
free world: Yes, I know... It's a pity no one is doing anything with Israel...

free world
2006-07-26 05:39
Chemical Weapons used against Lebanese Civliians link

2006-07-22 18:41
Anyone else getting AV warnings from this and lostinthebox about a showads.js? I just started getting these in the last couple of days.

2006-07-22 15:16
Yup.. that's Fatman..

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