snkmchnb 2006-12-24 05:31 ?
Tres`ni 2006-12-23 09:57 Next time no experimenting with the tag for me....
snkmchnb 2006-12-20 19:55 verbs.. verbs eluded him.
thewayofzen 2006-12-18 14:42 apparently ive forgotten how to conjugate verbs. say.. said.. u get the point. chalk it up to another example of why i shouldnt be on the pc in the wee hours of the morning.
ArthurDent 2006-12-18 05:03 qwilk: That looks cool, and if it's cheap in code size then go for it! :)
thewayofzen 2006-12-18 04:08 ive already say it.. HOTTTTTTT
qwilk 2006-12-18 02:31 RFC: See my comment at link (repeating request to avoid falling off the main page)
qwilk 2006-12-18 02:30 dr_marlowe: Don't hold your breath on that happening, I'd advice you to have a look at some existing plugin source code (in C/C++) and work from there.
dr_marlowe 2006-12-17 20:03 im going to start dev'ing something. what, i dont know just yet. but probably plugins. if someone writes an FB wrapper.
thewayofzen 2006-12-17 19:20 PEW PEW!!