mini-man 2007-07-29 12:31 This so needs to go on IRC. ;)
iTiVO 2007-07-29 12:20 Cool pack cthu1lhu!
crowmag 2007-07-29 12:19 Aha! ze trick is revealed ! Thanx :)
iTiVO 2007-07-29 12:18 Don't get me wrong minimal, MY gaia-desktop gives me that feel :)
Oh and about that truth ot not truth, that's up for everybody to decide.
I, too, think that the GAIA VS looks of, which is why i use the MCV of aMADme
cthu1hu 2007-07-29 12:12 then of course menu title border color..
cthu1hu 2007-07-29 12:11 @crowmag: menu title font height: 4, menu title border width 7
mini-man 2007-07-29 12:05 [rant]Well, it's inconvenient, but it isn't truth. And fresh? summerfeel? It's got the fattest scrollbars in tarnation. It's like a gone-wrong mod of Luna...It's barely usable, I can't imagine having that stuff on my desktop 24/7. [/rant] Oh, and cthu: TASTY. Thou mustest releasest it now.
crowmag 2007-07-29 12:03 How are you getting split gradients ?! xoblite?
cthu1hu 2007-07-29 11:43 crap. i knew i should have went ahead and released this pack, but i couldn't get it interesting.
iTiVO 2007-07-29 11:12 I like GAIA because of its feeling. It looks fresh and supports my summerfeel pretty good. The message of Gaia ...well what political aim can you achieve with customizing desktops... Ehm anyways that hole "an uncovenient truth"-hype certainly deserves its attention, given the fact you don't walk through the wolrd with shut eyes.